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Remme, R. P.,  H. Frumkin, A. D. Guerry1, A. C. King, L. Mandle, C. Sarabu, G. N. Bratman, B. Giles-Corti, P. Hamel1,, B. Han, J. L. Hicks, P. James, J. J. Lawler, T. Lindahl, H. Liu, Y. Lu, B. Oosterbroek, B. Paudel, J. F. Sallis, J. Schipperijn, R. Sosič, S. de Vries, B. W. Wheeler, S. A. Wood, T. Wu, G. C. Daily.  In Press. Nature and physical activity in cities: an ecosystem service perspective. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Carter, N., M. A. Williamson, S. Gilbert, S. A. Lischka, L. R. Prugh, J. J. Lawler, A. L. Metcalf, A. L. Jacob, B. J. Beltrán, A. J.  Castro, A. Sage, Abigail, and M. Burnham.  2020.  Integrated spatial analysis for human-wildlife coexistence in the American West.  Environmental Research Letters 15: 021001,     (pdf)


Kawas, S., J. Sherry-Wagner, N. S. Kuhn, S. K. Chase, B. Bentley, J. J. Lawler, and K. Davis.  2020.  NatureCollections: Can a mobile application trigger children’s interest in nature? CSEDU 1: 579-592.     (pdf)

Kawas, S., S. K. Chase, J. Yip, J. J. Lawler, and K. Davis. 2019. Sparking Interest: A Design Framework for Mobile Technologies to Promote Children’s Interest in Nature. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 20: 24-34.     (pdf)    

Bratman, G. N., C. B. Anderson, M. G. Berman, B. Cochran, S. de Vries, J. Flanders, C. Folke, H. Frumkin, J. J. Gross, T. Hartig, P. H. Kahn, M. Kuo, J. J. Lawler, P. S. Levin, T. Lindahl, A. Meyer-Lindenberg, R. Mitchell, Z. Ouyang, J. Roe, L. Scarlett, J. R. Smith, M. van den Bosch, B. W. Wheeler, M. P. White, H. Zheng, and G. C. Daily. 2019. Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective. Science Advances 5:eaax0903–eaax0903.     (pdf)

Frumkin, H., G. N. Bratman, S. J. Breslow, B. Cochran, P. H. Kahn, Jr., J. J. Lawler, P. S. Levin, P. S. Tandon, U. Varanasi, K. L. Wolf, S. A Wood. 2017. Nature Contact and Human Health: A Research Agenda. Environmental Health Perspectives DOI:10.1289/EHP1663.     (pdf)

Asah, S. T., A. D. Guerry, D. J. Blahna, and J. J. Lawler.  2014.  Perception, acquisition and use of ecosystem services: Human behavior, and ecosystem management and policy implications.  Ecosystem Services 10: 180-186.     (pdf)


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