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Lawler, J. J., D. S. Rinnan, J. L. Michalak, J. C. Withey, C. R. Randels, H. P. Possingham.  2020. Planning for climate change through additions to a national protected area network: implications for cost and configuration. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 375: 20190117.     (pdf)

Littlefield, C., M. Krosby, J. L. Michalak, and J. J. Lawler.  2019.  Connectivity to address climate-driven range shifts.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17: 270-278.     (pdf)

Dickson, B., C. Albano, R. Anantharaman, P. Beier, J. Fargione, T. Graves, M. Gray, K. Hall, J. Lawler, P.  Leonard, C.  Littlefield, M. McClure, J. Novembre, C. Schloss, N. Schumaker, V. Shah, and D. Theobald.  2018.  Circuit theory applications to connectivity science and conservation. Conservation Biology 33: 239-249.     (pdf)

Lawler, J. J.  2019.  Anticipating climate-driven movement routes. In: T. Lovejoy and L Hannah (eds.), Biodiversity and Climate Change, 2nd edition.     

Lawler, J. and J. Michalak. 2017.  Planning for climate change without climate projections? In: P. Kareiva, B. Silliman, M. Marvier (eds.), Uncomfortable Questions and Confirmation Bias in Conservation.  Oxford University Press.     (pdf)

Littlefield, C. E., B. H. McRae, J. Michalak, J. J. Lawler, and Carlos Carroll.  2017.  Connecting today’s climates to future analogs to facilitate species movement under climate change.  Conservation Biology 31: 1397-1408.     (pdf)


McGuire, J. L., J. J. Lawler, B. McRae, T. Nuñez, D. Theobald.  2016.  Achieving climate connectivity in a fragmented landscape.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 213: 7195-7200.    (pdf)  (SI)

Torrubia, S., B. H. McRae, J. J. Lawler, S. A. Hall, M. Halabisky, J. Langdon, and M. Case.  2015. Getting the most connectivity per conservation dollar.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12: 491-497.     (pdf)

Lawler. J. J., A. Ruesch, J. D. Olden, B. H. McRae.  2013.  Projected climate-driven faunal movement routes.  Ecology Letters 16: 1014-1022.     (pdf)

Nuñez, T. A., J. J. Lawler, B. H. McRae, D. J. Pierce, M. B. Krosby, D. M. Kavanagh, P. H. Sigleton, and J. J. Tewksbury.  2013.  Connectivity planning to address climate change.  Conservation Biology 27: 407-416.     (pdf)

Cross, M. S., J. A. Hilty, G. M. Tabor, J. J. Lawler, L. J. Graumlich, J. Berger.  2012.  From connect-the-dots to dynamic networks: Maintaining and restoring connectivity as a strategy to address climate change impacts on wildlife.  In: J. Brodie, E. Post, D. Doak, Eds. Conserving wildlife populations in a changing climate.  Chicago University Press.     (pdf)

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